Welcome to FaithInDepth, where you can learn about your faith while also contributing to scientific research. FaithInDepth is run by a group of professors, graduate students, and researchers at Boston University School of Theology and elsewhere. Find out about us here.
Our aim is to understand how faith works in people's lives. By filling out a few of our surveys, you'll help us do just that. In exchange, we will give you an instant report on how you scored on each quiz or survey! We'll show you how your responses compare to others and we'll tell you what that might say about you. By participating in our surveys, you will deepen your own faith and find out about the spiritual attitudes and religious practices of other people at the same time.
So please join us! Register and then go deep into your faith. Registration takes just a couple of minutes, and it will allow us to hold your scores for you so that you may return at any time and continue to build up your "faith profile." Faith In Depth is a non-profit academic venture. We will guard your privacy carefully; you can read our full privacy statement for more information.